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About Us
Al Salam Fast Public Fare was established
In the year 2003 AD, it is an institution working in the field of
The general fare for transporting passengers in Medina
Its activity is based on providing the best services
Transportation for individuals, companies and businessmen
Tourism agencies and governmental organizations
local and international professionally and we make
Your journey is smooth and safe.
How do we work
Request the service through our official channels
Your request will be contacted and answered
Enjoy a safe and fast trip with us
Vision and Mission
To become the global company
Favorite leader in the field
Providing high services
Quality through innovation
and superiority in our operations,
With all aspirations fulfilled
Our dealings.
Operating contracts for airport and train station services
Delivery to visit the holy places in Medina
Delivery within Medina neighborhoods
Delivery between cities in Saudi Arabia
Students Delivery
Special program for the customer with private trips
Our Fleet and Team
An agreement was signed
Purchase of 100 vehicles model 2023
As expected, it will arrive at the end
next month of the current year.
Al Salam Express has 75 vehicles
With modern models that are compatible with the rules
and the conditions set forth in the
Traffic and its executive regulations and specifications
Certified Standard Vehicles
By the Saudi Organization
Standards, Quality and Public Transport Authority
Regarding the public fare activity.
Contact Us
Stay in touch with us
For inquiries and complaints, to join our team, please fill out and send the form